Alessio Baldi

Alessio Baldi
Could you tell us something about yourself and your background?

I started as a Chemical Engineer, even though my first job was linked to Quality Control in a large textile company in
Prato (Tuscany). After that, I worked for another important company as a System and Product Quality Manager, where, for the first time, I gained important experience with ISO 9001 Certification; experience that transformed me into a selfemployed professional.

Since 1999 I have been advising companies on Quality Management System. Over the time I have also specialized in Environmental and Safety management. My collaboration in SteriValves began in 2008, initially working in the Quality Area, then becoming Management System Manager. In 2011 Sterivalves obtained (and still has) the Health and Safety Certification.

Could you describe your role in Sterivalves?

In SteriValves I am currently the Management System Manager, meaning that I am in charge of all the activities
involved on this task, such as: maintenance, update and correction of company procedures due to recommendation of third parties (during verification in situ), or due to internal needs (based on General Management, Area Manager or operators notifications).

Which are the current KPIs?

In the Quality Area there are well-established KPIs connected to: complaints and nonconforming products, nonconformances and corrective actions related to processes, safety (such as the number of accidents and
all events connected to them as number of employees involved, working hours, etc).

There are also indicators associated with stress level (turnover, sick leave, etc).

What are the improvement projects and strategic objectives related to quality?

This year there is an important strategic project connected to update Sterivalves’ organizational chart: Company Management requested a revision in order to become ‘global’ using internationally recognized terms. This also involves a revision of terms used in current procedures which will be analyzed and updated if they do not comply with current business management.

Then, there is another strategic objective related to quality control in our warehouse receiving area. This particular need was perceived by operations area, that found receiving control is particularly onerous for our company.

For this reason, it was requested to evaluate the possibility of using a statistical sampling plan in our receiving area, based on international standards. A modification of the operational instructions started, and has recently became effective in our management system to automate and simplify quality control in acceptance, based on indications of international legislation.

Do these projects arise from company processes particular needs, or are they a corporate commitment?

Improvement projects’ origin is linked not only to Sterivalve’s corporate attitude (aiming at continuous improvement), but also to specific needs.

Corrective actions are put into action during the year and include an action plan; some arise from critical issues, others from the need for improvement.
This is also reflected on how activities are anaged: they can be classified as problem management activities or opportunity management activities.

The latter arise from improvement ideas presented in the company: SteriValves is a company open to change and improvement, meaning that every starting point is seen as an opportunity to take a further step forward.

How does Sterivalves respond to Quality proposals?

Counting on Sterivalves’ General Management complete support, our aim is to involve all employees at all levels by
requesting direct collaboration, so that anyone can give their own contribution.

We invite them to collaborate suggesting ideas for improvement, or reporting any critical issue.

Feedback received is not uniform yet as there are areas more active than others. We work hard in order to improve
that, being aware that this is a fundamental element for achieving organizational objectives.
